At first:
All datas you are add to the COMMENT field are overwriting the datas supplied by the log program.
In all cases of evaluation UAAC suppose that the GRIDSQUARE is correct.
It calculates zones and states/provinces based on the center of the provided GRIDSQUARE!
Special hints for 30MDG
If you are registered with another call sign in the 30MDG than in the EPC. Please insert in the number page of the userdata window your 30MDG membership number (5 digits fill left with 0).
This must be done only rarely, but I have seen some SWLs ...
For all 30MDG awards SWL reports and contacts made at club, contest or special event call signs are not valid.
Please add #SWL for each SWL reports and #NO30 for each contacts made at club, contest or special event stations on 30m band to your comment field in your log.
This will do the trick for all clubs.
Error (not allowed signs in CALL):
You have other signs than [0-9][A-Z]-/ in the Call Sign
Error (in BAND):
Your Band is not one of these bands 160M, 80M, 75M, 60M, 40M, 30M, 20M, 17M, 15M, 12M, 10M, 6M, 4M, 2M, 70CM or 23CM
Error (in FREQ):
Your QRG doesn't fit to any of the above bands
Error (CQZ malformed):
Your CQZ doesn't fit to the format[0-9] or [0-9][0-9]
Error (GRID malformed):
Your GRID doesn't fit to the format [A-R][A-R][0-9][0-9] or [A-R][A-R][0-9][0-9][A-X][A-X]
Error (IOTA malformed):
Your IOTA doesn't fit to the format (AF|AN|AS|EU|NA|OC|SA)-[0-9][0-9][0-9] or (AF|AN|AS|EU|NA|OC|SA)[0-9][0-9][0-9]
Error (ITUZ malformed):
Your ITUZ doesn't fit to the format[0-9] or [0-9][0-9]
Error (WWFF malformed):
Your WWFF doesn't fit to the format xyFF-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
These errors can be fixed easily in your log program by fill the field with the correct data
Error (Grid-CQ mismatch):
The Grid you provide is not in the CQ zone you provide - at least one of the data must be wrong
Error (DXCC not in CQ_calc):
The DXCC is not in the calculated CQ zone, results usually from a wrong Grid
Error (DXCC not in CQ):
The DXCC is not in the provided CQ zone
Error (Grid-ITU mismatch):
The Grid you provide is not in the ITU zone you provide - at least one of the data must be wrong
Error (DXCC not in ITU_calc):
The DXCC is not in the calculated ITU zone, results usually from a wrong Grid
Error (DXCC not in ITU):
The DXCC is not in the provided ITU zone
Error (COUNTY not found):
The county doesn't exist in the list. Either not found in the state or it is misspelled
Error (COUNTY not unique):
There are six independet cities which have the same name than the counties, please add the AREA to the comment to make them unique (usually the city AREA ends on a C, e.g. VA, Fairfax: City -> #AREA US.VA.FAC, County -> #AREA US.VA.FAI)
Error (Grid-State mismatch):
The Grid you provide is not in the State you provide - at least one of the data must be wrong
Error (MUNICIPALITY not found):
The municipality doesn't exist. Either not found in the province or it is misspelled
Error (Grid-Prov mismatch):
The Grid you provide is not in the Province you provide - at least one of the data must be wrong
Error (Pfx-Prov/Terr mismatch):
The Province/Territory you provide matches not to the Prefix you provide - at least one of the data must be wrong
Журнал змін
Update the membership database when you have received your new membership number
Please update the membership database from UAAC before running the update to V2.1.8
Please update the membership database from UAAC before running the update to V2.1.7
Please update the membership database from UAAC before running the update to V2.1.6
apart from the DMC SWLs where the format is SWL0000
If we can't answer to your email you will be received an info popup and you can't apply for awards until you have fixed the problem.
Please update the membership database from UAAC before running the update to V2.1.4
For all 30MDG awards are SWL reports not countable.
Please add #SWL to your comment field for each SWL report in your log.
This will do the trick for all clubs.
Please update the membership database from UAAC before running the update to V2.1.0
But keep in mind you have to be a member of the 30MDG to apply.
If you are registered with another call sign in the 30MDG than in the EPC.
Please insert in the number page of the userdata window your 30MDG membership number (5 digits fill left with 0).
This must be done only rarely, but I have seen some SWLs ...
Please use the update function to get new language, county and municipality files!!!
Otherwise, strange things happen... :-)
Application procedure:
1) check the result and select the QSO which you like to see in the application and delete all duplicate ITU zones, you have now one QSO per ITU zone
2) Check again (Button "CHECK II")
3) If all is fine, Apply for the MMPA
KNOWN Problem: UAAC (32) doesn't work at WIN8 have bought a Win8 (32) license and check what i can do at the first glance it looks that it's easier to rewrite the whole program :-(
Please keep in mind that the logs.mdb would be opened exclusive from UR5EQF Log.
1. Close UR5EQF Log
2. Run UltimateAAC
Please deinstall UltimateEPC V0.8.5.26 before installing the Update
I have decided to rename UltimateEPC to UltimateAAC. This reflects more what it is...
The Ultimate Award Application Center!!!
The only piece of software that combines five digital mode clubs. The usage hasn't been changed. The only visible changes were:
- new start window
- "Numbers" page in the Users window
Never the less, lots of internal changes have been done. I hope that the Bugs are not not my best friends in the next days.Please have a closer look to the window "Userdatas" and check there your EPC number. It should be five digits long with leading nulls. There exists also a new field which you have to fill with all used call signs in yourlog (club station, previous call signs etc.).